Empowered AF

Hogwarts for modern bad ass sexy feminist witches

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Your Instructor

Charlotte Kaye
Charlotte Kaye

My name is Charlotte Kaye and I am a life coach, decluttering coach and podcaster. Through my services I help women be who they are and do what they want, guilt-free…while smashing the patriarchy and manifesting world peace.

she needed what was in the forest.

It held the key to her whole life. Her whole inner knowing. But she didn’t know it because the king’s men had cast a spell over the forest. Making it appear shadowy and dark and fearsome. And they made her believe that she would be lost forever if she entered.
She was born in the forest. She would play with the animals and fae creatures. Trusting the twinkles and the light of the pixies weaving pictures with their dust. Her only reflections were seen in puddles of cool water, like glass reflecting her beautiful face back to her. She would notice her scars and spots and lovingly gaze upon them. She always knew her way even when the magical paths in the forest would change. She trusted each next step and was guided by her own inner light.

Until the king’s men entered the forest and forced her out. Convincing her that the forest was dangerous. That only they could navigate the path.

So, she built her home on the edge of the wood. She thought being close to its presence would allow her to remember her connection. But as the years passed, the forest began to look as treacherous as the king’s men claimed it to be. Eventually even looking at the dark trees caused her heart to feel cold and sent chills down her spine.

One day. Many years later. She gave birth to a daughter, Lily. From the time Lily was born her mother warned her of the dangers of the forest. But no matter how she tried, Lily was always drawn to the trees. Always dancing along the edge of the wood, claiming she saw moving lights inside.

As Lily got older, she started to pay more attention to the king’s men. Started to ask questions no young woman should ask, and her mother feared for her. But she would not stop. Claiming that they were keeping the women out of the forest because it was the source of their greatest power. That it was all a hoax. That the forest was safe for them. In fact, it was the source of all their power.
And one day, at dusk, Lily left. She entered the dark forest with nothing but the stars and the moon to guide her. She so desperately wanted her mother to go with her, but she knew the king’s spell had made it impossible.

For many years after, her mother would look at the woods each day and wonder what had become of her daughter. She could only assume that some horrible fate had befallen her.

And then, one day, just as the sun was rising and a gentle rain was falling the mother heard a crack of thunder and went outside. And there, emerging from the forest, was Lily. She ran to her and looked her up and down. She had scars, and wounds, and tears running down her face. But she was also… smiling. And her eyes were bright and had turned purple. And her whole body seemed to shine and glitter. Lily told her mother nothing of what happened in the forest, only that she couldn’t stay long and would be returning the next day. She invited her mother to join her. Lily said they could not take the same path, but just knowing they are both in the forest together would ease their journey.

Her mother did not know what to do. The King’s spell was still so powerful. But Lily’s new found magic was hard to deny. She stayed up late into the night thinking, but the spell was too strong.

The next day Lily and her mother stood at the edge of the wood. Lily stepped forward and walked backwards into the trees with her arms outstretched to her mother until she disappeared. Her mother stared into the darkness. Seeing only shadow. She felt frozen.

Until something within her warmed. A light she had long forgotten glimmered within. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and took one step forward.


This course is intended to guide you through YOUR unique path in the dark woods of your power. I am here to stand as an example of someone who has transformed and who continues to transform every day.⠀

I was once standing at the edge of the wood of my power and looking in, terrified.. and I continue to traverse it, and sometimes I fall, and I weather the storms, and I am so enthralled to teach you to do the same.

The modules:

MESSY AF: Learn the art of feeling your feelings. Release control. Be vulnerable. Let go of perfectionism. There are no fucking rules.

CHILL AF: Create a grounding practice. Connect to your intuition so you can stop looking outside of yourself for answers. Deal with triggers. Set energetic boundaries.

SIMPLE AF: Boundary setting and minimalism.

MAGIC AF: Flow, alignment and manifestation. Manifest world peace. Intuition and the divine feminine. Submit to the universe, kink style. Get off on it taking you places you never thought you would go.

SEXY AF: Fuck the numbers, the scale, sizes. These are all fakkkkkeee. BMI is bullshit. Love your body. Look at it. Touch it. Appreciate it. Look hot and flow.

LOUD AF: Use your voice, for yourself and others.


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